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Dalat is known as a misty land or a paradise for most of the cold-grown trees. Persimmon is one of the plants that prefer this climate. This crispy persimmon is a delicacy that Mother Nature has bestowed on this city of flowers.

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The romantic and tranquil scenery makes first-time admirers feel like they are lost in the fairy world of their childhood stories.

Image Credit: Facebook.com

Dalat persimmon season starts from September to the end of November. However, at the end of the season, the trees will lose their leaves, leaving only trees and fruits. So, October is the most beautiful time for visiting the garden. The ripe persimmon fruits “dye” an entire sky orange, creating a dreamy, poetic picture as if fairly land appeared in front of the eyes. The scenery and people become one.

Image Credit: Facebook.com

Dalat people are very kind and friendly, so do not be afraid to ask the garden owner for permission to visit and take pictures. They won’t take money, but you should be gentle with the trees. Do not pick persimmon, break tree branches, or climb on trees. You can also buy a few kilograms of ripe fruit as a gift. It is very cheap, only 10,000 VND / kg (about 0.5 US dollars / 50 Japanese Yen).

Image Credit: Facebook.com