Vietnam’s Rice Terraces: A Journey Through Beauty, Culture & Sustainability


The beauty of Vietnam’s terraced rice fields

Majestic scenery

Nestled on high, rugged mountains, shrouded in clouds, Vietnam’s terraced rice fields appear like a magnificent, splendid natural painting. Stretching endlessly, winding gently like soft silk draped over the mountainsides, the terraced fields create a unique landscape, entirely different from the flat plains.

The creativity and unique farming skills of local people have turned steep mountain slopes into terraced fields, conquering nature and bringing magnificent beauty to the landscape. Vietnam’s terraced rice fields symbolize the vigorous vitality and resilient labor spirit of the people here, and they are also a source of national pride, beloved by international tourists.

Diverse colors

Vietnam’s terraced rice fields not only attract tourists with their majestic scenery but also with the magical color changes according to the seasons. During the rice planting season, the fields are lush green like soft carpets spread across the mountainside, creating a peaceful and romantic natural painting. When the rice ripens golden, the terraced fields don a shimmering, radiant golden coat, like winding golden silk amidst the sky.

These color changes create an incredibly impressive landscape, attracting tourists from all over the world. The romantic and poetic beauty of the terraced rice fields during the harvest season has become a source of inspiration for countless poetry and artwork.

Cultural symbol

Vietnam’s terraced rice fields are not only a majestic natural landscape but also a unique cultural symbol. They reflect the intimate bond of people with nature, serving as evidence of the intelligence and skillful farming of Vietnamese people through many generations.

On steep mountain slopes, people have created terraced fields like stairways to heaven, demonstrating the conquest of nature and the indomitable will of the people. The terraced fields also preserve the traditional cultural values of ethnic minorities, an integral part of their spiritual life.

With its unique beauty and great cultural value, Vietnam’s terraced rice fields have become a source of pride for the people and a tourist attraction both domestically and internationally.

Location and importance of terraced fields

Terraced fields are not only part of the beautiful natural landscape but also play an important role from the aspects of geographical location and economic, cultural and environmental importance. Here are some points about the location and importance of terraced fields:


  • Mainly distributed in the mountainous provinces of Northern Vietnam such as: Sapa, Mu Cang Chai, Hoang Su Phi,…
  • Located at an altitude of 1000 to 2000 meters above sea level.
  • Located on steep mountain slopes, it is made up of many small fields stacked on top of each other.


  • Economy: Terraced fields provide the main source of income for many farming families in mountainous areas. Rice is one of the main agricultural products grown here, providing raw materials for the food industry and export. Terraced fields also help increase the country’s food security.
  • Culture: Terraced fields are part of Vietnam’s cultural heritage. Ethnic minorities have built and maintained them for generations, and they are seen as symbols of human ingenuity and patience. Terraced fields are also a tourist attraction, contributing to the development of rural tourism and the local economy.
  • Environment: Terraced fields help maintain soil moisture, minimize the risk of landslides, and maintain biodiversity in the area. The traditional farming method of terraced fields also helps preserve the land and protect the natural environment.

In short, terraced fields are not only part of Vietnam’s beautiful natural landscape but also play an important role in maintaining the livelihood of the farming community, protecting the environment, and preserving cultural heritage.

History and Culture

Origin and development process of terraced fields


  • Appeared a long time ago, about 2000-3000 years ago.
  • Originating from the need to cultivate wet rice on steep mountainous terrain.
  • Created and developed by ethnic minorities.

Development process

Early stage

  • Simple technique, mainly relying on human strength.
  • Small scale, fragmented.

Later stage

  • Improved techniques and use of supporting tools.
  • The scale expanded, forming large terraced field systems.


  • Apply science and technology to farming.
  • Develop eco-tourism associated with terraced fields.

The role of terraced fields in the cultural life of the people.

Terraced fields are not only a majestic natural landscape but also play an important role in the cultural life of the people. It is a symbol of human attachment to nature, demonstrating the unique wisdom and local people’s farming skills. Terraced fields are also an important part of cultural life, where traditional ceremonies, festivals and community activities take place. It is associated with folk tales, legends and customs.

Besides cultural value, terraced fields also have economic value, providing the main food source for people and developing ecotourism. The environmental value of terraced fields is also undeniable, it protects the ecosystem, prevents soil erosion, preserves water sources, regulates climate, and preserves biodiversity. Finally, terraced fields also have educational value, helping the younger generation understand local history, culture, and traditions, while raising awareness of environmental protection and sustainable development.

Characteristics and farming techniques

Structure and construction techniques of terraced fields.


  • Consists of many small fields, stacked on top of each other along the mountainside.
  • Each field is surrounded by a field edge to retain water.
  • A drainage ditch system was built to irrigate the fields.

Construction techniques

  • Depending on terrain and land conditions.
  • The most popular is the technique of building field edges with soil and stone.
  • Use local materials, such as stones, tree branches, bamboo,etc.
  • Needs meticulousness, care and high technique.

Unique wet rice farming system

  • Take advantage of sloping terrain to cultivate wet rice.
  • Use natural water sources for irrigation.
  • Apply traditional farming techniques such as: rice transplanting, fertilizing

Ecological and environmental value

  • Protect the ecosystem and prevent soil erosion.
  • Preserve water resources and protect biodiversity.
  • Contributes to climate regulation.

Famous locations


Sapa terraced fields are one of the most famous tourist destinations in Vietnam. Located at an altitude of 1600 meters above sea level, Sapa is a small town in Lao Cai province, Vietnam. This place is famous for its beautiful terraced fields, winding along the mountainside. These terraced fields were built and cultivated by the H’Mong and Dao ethnic people for centuries.

Tourism activities

  • Trekking: Visitors can hike on winding trails through terraced fields.
  • Taking photos: Sapa terraced fields are an ideal place to take photos.
  • Visiting villages: Tourists can visit villages of the H’Mong and Dao ethnic people to learn about their culture and life.

Travel time

  • The best time to travel to Sapa is in the fall (around September to November) when the rice is ripe and the weather is cool.
  • Tourists can also come to Sapa in the spring (around March to May) to see the green terraced fields.

Mu Cang Chai

Mu Cang Chai terraced fields are one of the most famous tourist destinations in Vietnam. Located at an altitude of 1000 to 2000 meters above sea level, Mu Cang Chai is a district in Yen Bai province, Vietnam. This place is famous for its beautiful terraced fields, winding along the mountainside. These terraced fields were built and cultivated by the H’Mong, Dao and Thai ethnic people for centuries.

Travel activities

  • Trekking: Visitors can hike on winding trails through terraced fields.
  • Take photos: Mu Cang Chai terraced fields are an ideal place to take photos.
  • Visiting villages: Tourists can visit villages of the H’Mong, Dao and Thai ethnic groups to learn about their culture and life.

Travel time

  • The best time to travel to Mu Cang Chai is in the fall (around September to November) when the rice is ripe and golden and the weather is cool.
  • Visitors can also come to Mu Cang Chai in the spring (around March to May) to see the green terraced fields.

Hoang Su Phi


Hoang Su Phi is a district in Ha Giang province, Vietnam. This place is located about 110 km west of Ha Giang City. It’s also a great tourist destination for those who want to explore the natural beauty of Vietnam and learn about the culture of ethnic minorities.


  • Hoang Su Phi terraced fields are one of the most beautiful terraced field systems in Vietnam.
  • This place has more than 3,000 hectares of terraced fields stretching across the mountain slopes.
  • Hoang Su Phi terraced fields were built and cultivated by the Nung, Dao, Tay and La Chi ethnic people for centuries.


  • Hoang Su Phi terraced fields are most beautiful during the ripe rice season (around September to October).
  • At this time, the terraced fields take on a shiny golden color, creating a majestic and magnificent natural picture.
  • Visitors here can hike, take photos, visit villages, and learn about the culture of local people.

Cultural heritage

  • Hoang Su Phi terraced fields were recognized as a National Monument in 2012.
  • This place is also one of the key tourist destinations of Ha Giang province.

Notes when visiting Vietnam’s rice terraces:

  • Visitors should bring weather-appropriate clothing andpohodlné footwear for hiking.
  • Tourists should respect the culture and customs of local people.
  • It’s best to check the weather before your trip.

Conservation and development

Challenges and solutions to conserve terraced fields


  • Socio-economic changes: Many locals leave terraced fields to work in big cities.
  • Climate change: Droughts, floods, and landslides affect terraced field systems.
  • Lack of resources: Local authorities lack resources to preserve terraced fields.


  • Raising people’s awareness: Strengthening education about the value of terraced fields.
  • Economic support for people: Provide incentives for people to cultivate terraced fields.
  • Developing ecotourism: Creating a source of income for people from preserving terraced fields.
  • International cooperation: Seek support from international organizations to preserve terraced fields.

Develop eco-tourism associated with terraced fields


  • Create a source of income for local people: Tourists will pay money to visit, eat and sleep locally.
  • Preserving terraced fields: Ecotourism will help people realize the value of terraced fields and be motivated to preserve them.
  • Introducing local culture: Ecotourism will help introduce local culture to tourists.

Ecotourism activities

  • Trekking: Visitors can hike on winding trails through terraced fields.
  • Taking photos: Terraced fields are an ideal location for taking photos.
  • Visiting villages: Tourists can visit villages of ethnic minorities to learn about their culture and life.
  • Participate in local festivals: Tourists can participate in local festivals to experience local culture.


  • Ecotourism development needs to be accompanied by environmental protection.
  • It is necessary to ensure that ecotourism benefits local people.
  • Developing ecotourism associated with terraced fields is an effective way to preserve terraced fields and improve the lives of local people.


Vietnam’s rice terraces are more than just stunning landscapes; they are a testament to human ingenuity, a vibrant cultural symbol, and a vital ecosystem. As we strive for a more sustainable future, these terraces offer a powerful example of how nature, culture, and responsible tourism can coexist in harmony.

Plan your adventure to Vietnam and witness the magic of the rice terraces firsthand. Immerse yourself in the breathtaking scenery, connect with the local communities, and contribute to preserving this unique heritage for generations to come. Remember, responsible travel practices are key. Choose eco-friendly tours, respect local customs, and leave only footprints behind. Let’s celebrate the beauty of Vietnam’s rice terraces while ensuring their sustainability for a brighter future.