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An Giang now has a stunning Kim Tien pagoda, with exquisite sculptures no different from the famous “historical film studio”.

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The pagoda is located in An Phu commune, near Nha Bang town, Tinh Bien district, An Giang. This is considered the most magnificent pagoda in the region of Seven Mountains (Bay Nui).

The highlight of Kim Tien Pagoda is the 24m high Amitabha Buddha statue built on the roof. Also, this is a pagoda with a large area and beautiful landscape of An Giang province at present. In addition to worshiping, the pagoda also offers vegetarian meals and water to the people for free after praying.

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Alternatively, Kim Tien Pagoda is famous for its magnificent beauty. The gilded roof and the Buddha statues show the dignity of the people here. There is another exceptional point that only those who frequented this place know; that is the sophisticated Vietnamese inscription carved on each roof.


From Nha Bang center, you can reach the pagoda in 2 ways: follow the Cay Mit road for 1 km to meet the crossroads, turn left 2 km, or follow Highway 91 to the border, turn to Mai Son pagoda, then pass Mai Son pagoda 3 km to Kim Tien Pagoda.

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When visiting the pagoda, visitors note to wear discreet, polite costumes. Remember not to burn too much incense and litter indiscriminately. On the occasion of the beginning of the year, many people will come to visit and worship, so visitors should actively preserve personal property, avoiding lost furniture.