Danang International Firework Festival 2019
Image Credit:vephaohoadanang.com

Coming to Da Nang in this June, you can enjoy “Danang International Firework Festival 2019” with the theme “Stories from rivers”.

Table of Contents

Referring to Da Nang, people often think of the image of the Han River – the symbol of the connection between history and present, as well as the value of eternity and the development, integration of a dynamic city.

Danang International Firework Festival
Image Credit:vephaohoadanang.com

The festival will take place over a month, starting from 1.6.2019 to 6.7.2019, including 5 nights of competitions with different topics.

-Night 1 (1.6.2019 – the opening night):  Vietnam and Russia with the theme “Origin”.

-Night 2 (8.6.2019): Brazil and Belgium with the theme “Seed”.

-Night 3 (15.6.2019):  Finland – Italy with the theme “Love”

-Night 4 (22.6.2019): England – China with the theme “Color”.

For the final night (6.7.2019), two best teams will compete for the championship. Each nation’s stories about history and culture will be told in the language of fireworks and music, with the sublimation of art and emotion

Danang International Firework Festival 2018
Image Credit:vephaohoadanang.com

Vietnamese artists like My Tam, Uyen Linh, Ha Anh Tuan,… will perform during the festival nights.  A new feature of Danang International Firework Festival 2019 is the nationwide flashmob dance competition with the theme “Youth wave”.

Da Nang
Image Credit:vephaohoadanang.com

This year’s Da Nang International Firework Festival promises to bring spectacular and attractive performances to viewers.