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Unlike the beauty, aristocracy, and nobility of the lotus, the water lily of West Vietnam in the flooding season brings a rustic as well as lovely beauty, easily captivating visitors.

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The time from August to October every year is the blooming season of water lilies. In the fields or ponds full of water, the water lily shows off its attraction like the wild beauty of rural women.

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With two main colors, red-purple and white, the water lily easily captivates guests from afar coming to the West in the flooding season. Different from other aromatic flowers, the white water lilies here are called “ghost” flowers because they only bloom at night.

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Water lilies live naturally and do not need planting as well as caring. When the water recedes, the water lily’s roots are buried deep into the mud. Until the water is full, the flower spreads out as high as the water level to show off its beauty. The higher the flood is, the longer the stem of the water lily will be. Sometimes it can be up to several meters long.

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In this season, the Western fields are swamped with water. This is also the time the water lilies spread their leaves and start displaying their red-purple and white colors. Let’s go on a trip to this location to take the most beautiful pictures of the blooming water lily season in the West.

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Not too fussy, just water lilies and the typical simmered Siamese mud carp with fish sauce are enough to hold visitors.